Friday, June 28, 2013

Wed, Thu, Fri Jun 26-28 2013

Driving from Lander to Dubois.
Made up the plan to go for 2 nights
wilderness camping, and then an hotel
in Dubois (does this sounds familiar)
to clean up, and especially to enjoy the
local rodeo.

Went up the scenic road over red canyons,
closer to high Tetons peaks, but by far not there yet.

Disappeared the next day in the Fitzpatrick

Anyhow, no mobile service at all in Wyoming.
And no WiFi on any of the campgrounds here.
Explains the delay to update.

Selected the Glacier trail
in the Fitzpatrick Wilderness.

Started at 7516 ft and climbed to 10132 ft
over an ever changing landscape.
Moraines, pine forest, meadows, tundra,
lakes, waterfalls,
and this time only a hint of snow.
But failed to see the Big Horn Sheep.
Would probably need a 5 day hike, deep
in the Wilderness.

Next day, Windy river, and Brooks Creek falls.
Camping next to this waterfall.
This time, at least 100 ft away, so that
a could have a perfect sleep,
without the thunder of the water, but
enough for a relaxing background song.

From there, a beautiful hike from
Brooks lake to Jade lake (and upper
brooks lake).  Hard to belief
that the Teton's would even beat this.

Now in town for the rodeo. Not sure what
to expect.

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