Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday Jun 18 2013

Just a hike

A series of lakes along the trail.
Bear Lake, the first one.  Seems like a perfect mirror,
early in the morning.

Next lake to pass, Nymh Lake

And on we go, to Dream Lake

And you see in the middle, the pass,
Will be there in a little (!) while.

Next one to pass by, Emerald lake.
By now need to walk over some snow to get there.

And you see the right slope, rather steep, but for
extreme sporters, just a fun downhill. Only, going up ...

Passed a few temporary lakes along the way,
to get to Lake Haiyaha

Later in the afternoon, The Loch Lake

Up yo Mills lake

Higher, and later on the day,
cloudy, threat of a thunderstorm,
but have only seen just a few drops

For the next lake, had to climb over trees, a small
local tornado knocked down most trees, and finally
2 feet of snow blocked me. But, perhaps, by
now, you have seen enough lakes ?

And you must  have seen already to many water falls,
but just to close the day, the Alberta Falls

Some stats of the day.....

Distance                16.88 mi     27.17 km
Total time                7:58
Moving time            5:07
Min elevation          9,117 ft     2,779 m
Max elevation       10,217 ft     3,114 m
Elevation Gain        6,104 ft     1,860 m

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