Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wed 7 Aug 2013 A day of very beautiful waterfalls in Banff.

Wed 7 Aug 2013
A day of very beautiful waterfalls in Banff.

The famous Johnston falls in Banff National Park
The lower Johnston Falls

The Upper Johnston Falls

Quite touristic, the walk board is a interesting in itself.

The Inkpots.
Spring water percolates up through the sand and
river gravel to form 5 blue green pools known as
the "Inkpots". The swirling circles in the sandy
pool bottoms mark the outlets of the water and air
bubbles as they move upwards from the underground
springs. Different color is due to different
speed of the flow. Milky green pools fill more
slowly and have a havier suspension of fine
materials than the clear deep blue pools.

And now, really surrounded by mountains.
Castle Rock

Add another 10 km hike to get the quota
of the day, to "Boom Lake". Definitely worth it.

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