Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tue Aug 27 2013 The iron goat

Tue Aug 27 2013
The iron goat

The most bizare hike. In the middle of the forest,
big concrete walls.

The North Santa Fe railroad build in this area
a 9 mile zig zag to climb the mountain.
But several landslides and snow avalanches
needed extra protections. The concrete walls
protected for avalanches, and extra wooden
roofs supported by the walls protected for winter snow.

In 1910, snowslides delayed two trains at the town of
Wellington. A vast section of snow on Windy Mountain
broke loose and crashed down, sweeping both trains of
the tracks into the Tye River below. Nearly one hundred
lives were lost. This was one of the worst railroad
disasters in the nations history and prompted more
improvements to avoid such tragedy striking again.

The origin
I will make my mark on the
face of this earth
and no man will ever
wipe it out !
James J. Hill, founder and
president of Great Northern Railway
the "Empire Builder".

Sorry, nature has taken over most of
the trails, and the several feet tick
concrete walls will be gone 'relatively' soon.

And this is the official "toilet".
Just the seat, no walls, no roof.
The impressive view let you watch
the trains passing by in  the valley.

PS: I know, all you readers are smart enough
to just blend out the ads. But if you click on
an interesting AD, this could give me an extra
beer at the end the of the year.
Just trying out if this system even works.
And forward the interesting posts to friends.

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