Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tue 13 Aug 2013 Dawson creek

Tue 13 Aug 2013
Dawson creek

Mile 0, Alaska Hi Way

What is the plan ?


Postpone any decision, and went to the
Tumbler Ridge provincial park.

One of the signs at the Quality creek falls
This trail meanders through a forest that makes up
part of the expansive Boreal White and Black Spruce
bio-eco-climate zone. Characteristics of this zone are
the long cold winters with a short growing season. The
sever climate results in forests that are low in
productivity. Where  this zone is flat it is made up of
extensive spruce bogs with a mix of black spruce.
white spruce and aspen; where it is hilly it contains
lodge pole pine.
A few the animals that dwell in this forest are:
marten, lynx, black bear, grizzly bear, snowshoe hare,
red squirrel, spruce grouse, deer, elk, moose,
mosquito and the almighty black fly.
And the last ones, yes, way more annoying than any bear.

Again, hiked up or down to many falls.

The Kinuseo Falls are impressive

And if there is a trail down

Skip uploading the video, for now.

The landscape is so impressive

So nice, decided just to camp at the borders
of the Murray River.

From here starts the Monkman Pass  memorial trail.
Just 6 days to Hobi's cabin, in the complete wilderness.
I'm not yet ready for this.....

On the other side, very strange area.
Multi use for sure.
A large windmill park, big tree logging
activity, open coal mine operation,
high pressure gas line, many gravel pits,
and of coarse also the extreme
beautiful waterfalls, lakes and hiking

Is it not somewhat bizarre to see this sign
next to the start of the hiking trail
to another waterfall.

Murray River
Danger Hugh Pressure poisonous gas
no smoking, matches or open flames
Personal protective equipment required
no unauthorized entry

Have pictures of all 'man' activity and warning
signs. But probably not needed to prove the point
of exploiting the land.

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