Friday, August 16, 2013

Fri 16 Aug 2013 Barkerville

Fri 16 Aug 2013

Wondered the whole day around in Barkerville
and Richfield, 1 mile further up the road.

The 'hanging Judge' Bergie and his deputy of Britsh Columbia
in front of the courthouse in Richfield.

And Barkerville is really active. In how many towns
can you still find a historically saloon, fully active.
And you see the 'Begbie Ale' ?

And what is a gold town without a fully operational
water wheel.  The demonstration showed the power
of the waterm to pump the mines empty, and lower
loads into or out of the mine.

End of a work day for the horses

And so many more pictures with the actors,
painless tooth extraction for 5 $,
gambling in Chinatown, the horses and carriages,
the historical shops, etc.
Only the internet is somewhat slow....

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