Monday, August 19, 2013

Mon Aug 19 2013 Clearwater.

Mon Aug 19 2013

Started with a road block. A few miles on the off
road way to Trophy mountain, the road was blocked
by a large fallen tree. Good that I'm prepared,
and with a good ax, and some help from the next
car, 20 minutes later the road was cleared.

Up to the meadows and Sheila lake.

Passing the small hut where John Ronacker lived for 20 years.
Looks poetic on a nice summer day

And of coarse the waterfalls in clearwater are the
main attractions.
One of son many pictures of the Dawson falls

Or you prefer the Helmcken falls
Remark the rainbow effect just left of the big fall.

And yes, the Chinook Slamon still try to jump the Bailey's chute.
No need to upload new jumps, I suppose.

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