Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thu 8 Aug 2013 Lake Louise

Thu 8 Aug 2013
Lake Louise

Started as a terrible day, rain, rain
and nearly no visibility.  But the
moment I got out of the car at lake Louise
all cleared up, and got a most beautiful 
hike to the 'tea-house'.

I was here 15 years ago, and remember that a small
stroll along the lake got me into the snow.
Now, it took several hours, just to have a
good view of the Glacier.

Went all around to Mirror lake, lake Agnes
beehive, over the pass, to the plane of the six
glacier view.

View form the glacier down onto the Fairmont hotel

Nice view on the glacier itself. Remark the crevasses at the bottom,
which shows a thick layer of moving ice.
And what a surprise when with a big thunder noise,  a big piece
of snow dropped from the upper ice layer. Of coarse, to late to
start a video....

Took a moment out of my busy schedule to have a
apple pie and a mocha coffee, at the tea house,
at the end of the trail.

And finished the day at the bar in
the Fairmont. Was looking for a room,
but the last remaining suite was (only)
5500 $, Just a little bit above my budget.

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