Monday, July 15, 2013

Tue, Wed Jul 16-17 2013 Badlands, South Dakota

Tue Jul 15 2013

Badlands, South Dakota

Started badly. Flat tire. Even so bad, that I
needed to buy a new tire. Solved in a few
hours, and on my way to the SD Badlands.

On the way passed "minute man". The nuclear
missile silo's of the cold war. 450 of them
are out of service due to the START treaty,
and  old technology. They still have more than
enough active ones, out of sight, to destroy the
world a few times over).

Within 2 seconds, even before leaving completely the
silo, this is supersonic for it's 6000 + miles trip

The Badlands, miles and miles of peaks and valleys,
gullies, buttes and wide prairies of delicately
banded colors that shifted in the sunshine.

Home of the bighorn sheep

The prairie dogs, the horn antelope, and of coarse,
the buffalo, rubbing his back in the sand.

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