Friday, July 5, 2013

Fri Jul 5 2013 Another day in steaming Yellowstone.

Fri Jul 5 2013

Another day in steaming Yellowstone.

Roaring Mountain, steam plums with the deep
sound of releasing pressure.

Golden gate, a lava area, with a big waterfall
on the Gardner river. An engineering marvel to build
and maintain a roadway.

Mammoth hot springs seems more quite than when I
passed years ago. But still a few hot spots.

Iron colored ripples ...

Or you prefer this spring

Another Bison

12 hours of non stop raining, stopped some
sightseeing. Time for Laundry, And needed some
engineering for a safe and dry night in the tent.
The tarp under the tent, now served as a rain
shield above the tent, and the only moisture
was the extreme fog, early in the morning.
But all works out perfectly.

By the way avoid Yellowstone on the 4th July.
Totally overcrowded. I was extremely lucky,
with some good planning to find a camping spot.
Even arriving at 7 AM in a first come first serve
camping ground is to late. So, lucky to find in
a corner, just one spot.

For the rest, if you go early in the morning
to the Artist point parking lot, you find easy
a parking spot. Then just hike around the Canyon,
it is busy but not on the remote trails.
In the mean time all parking lot's are just one
big traffic jam, to get a spot.
Most people think: why walk, if you can  drive
(and wait again for the next parking spot....).

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