Monday, July 1, 2013

Mon Jul 1 2013 Grand Tetons.

Mon Jul 1 2013

Grand Tetons.

How to show this in a few pictures ?

Hike to Solitude lake.
The lake with ice on it and the reflection of the
snow makes still nearly surreal.

or another view

Have seen several marmots, some moose,
and plenty of waterfalls.
I can not start uploading all this pictures.

Some numbers for the hike:

distance                 17.76 miles   28.58 km
time                        6:38
starting elevation  6.723 ft      2,049 m
max elevation         9,018 ft      2,749 m

Oh yes, nearly forgot. A few miles into
the hike to lake Solitude, saw this less
than 30 ft from the trail.

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