Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thu 25 Jul 2013 The few days of small local museums in Montana

Thu 25 Jul 2013
The few days of small local museums in Montana

Chief Joseph Battle Ground of the Bear's Paw.
Another big battle between the Indians
and the Whites (Chinook, 1877)
In the end the Indian leader had to surrender.
They lost all there hunting grounds, mainly
under false promises.

And the museum showed also some emotional
pictures about the great depression in the 30'ths.

Havre, offered another amazing tour.
A century ago, the town burned down, and
all the merchant restarted there business
underground in the cellars. This includes
some bars, brothels, butchery, bakery, pharmacy,
blacksmith, Chinese laundry, opium corner,
Little John's office.
Some booming business during prohibition.
Nicely restored with the original items
of that time.

Another point of interest, jumping Buffalo.
A cliff where for thousands of years, the
buffalo pushed in a stampede off some cliffs.

Fort Benton, a fur trading post around 1870.
Rebuild, and has a very nice collection of
bronze statues.

And of coarse all the small towns along
the rail road, are a marvel to see.
Close to ghost towns, but still vibrant
place with a few motels and restaurants.

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