Monday, July 22, 2013

Mon Jul 22 2013 North Dakota

Mon Jul 22 2013

North Dakota

What should have been a scenic drive,
was a terrible drive in the midst of
roadworks, and heavy trucks.
The larger and heavier, the less they
obey speed limits.

I know oil, is the new gold rush here.

And it is changing everything. Drilling
platforms, everywhere. Hiring signs,
rebuilding the small scenic drive to a
2 lane highway. All nearly overnight.
The big oil companies (Schlumger, Halliburton,
Continental) quadruple there platforms
in the last year. And no end in sight.
So many jobs, so much money,.....
But can someone do the calculation.
The world consumes about 30 Billion Barrels
a year, and the US consumes about 7 Billion.
The best prognoses is 28 Billion Barrels
found here in North Dakota.
Or do I miss a factor 1000 ?

One of the so many drilling platform.
And burn of flames can be seen in all

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