Monday, April 29, 2013

Sun Apr 28 2013

Finally in Moab (... Brewery).

Moab, close to Arches Nat. Park. Here a double arch
for the price of one.

Past another eccentric place where a guy build
a 5000 sqt ft house in to rock. 

And currently
a museum of very nice useless things.

Easy Sunday. Just went (again) to Arches National
park. Similar experience as before. Coming from
colder areas, the sun and the heat slams you in
the face. No intentions, for even a one mile hike.
Just was the regular tourist to see the arches from
close' to the parking spot.  And enjoyed the sunset, at
the 'windows'.

The brewery, still have the Scorpion. From many
years ago, I remember this as the best beer,
Now, same name, but totally different. Way more
hopy, and even porter aftertaste.
The new winner is 'Dead Horse Ale'.

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