Monday, April 22, 2013

Mon Apr 22 2013

Still (stuck) in Arizona.

Driving thru the desert.

Visit to Navajo National Monument, with the small
village in the rocks (around 1250): 'Betatakin' Canyon.

And then the 17 mile drive thru monument Valley.

Very windy. Was even afraid to get my camera out in
the beginning. Sand and these cameras don't go together.
But after a while, less wind, more sun.
Really helps, to be really impressed by the magnitude
of the landscape and the rocks.

And some show from one of the many local venders

And just when I wanted to go up north to Utah,
there was a major bomb alarm on a tourist bus,
and all roads (the only one) was totally blocked
by the police. So, stay in the very expensive
hotel in the park, or return 30 miles.
But still part of the huge Navajo Indian Reservation.
And no alcohol. It's bad to be stuck.

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