Sat Apr 27 2013
This must be the Colorado River, I presume.
And the Green river merging the milky like water
with the darker Colorado Mud.
Again a series of canyons.
But at the end (?), still quite unexpected, you
see the 300 feet drop the Colorado River.
Yes, you see Canyons, rocks, mountains, everywhere.
But a sudden vertical drop of 300 feet is still
an incredible view. Only difficult to capture the 3D
drop in a picture.
And no there are no fences.
You have to use all four. 2 legs, 2 hands.
And also your butt sometimes to slide down.
But especially your eyes and your brains.
Watch, see what is possible, and stop or
backtrack if it is to much.
Seen the picture of the overhang. If you stand
on the edge for a picture....
And on the way, From the top, you can see the path,
and this goes straight up to the other side of the Canyon.
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