Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tue Sept 3 2013
Not sure which direction to go, went (somewhat
by accident) North again to Vancouver, just across
the Oregon border into Washington State.
A quick visit to historic fort Vancouver.
Mainly a trading post for beavers and other skins.

Also, a blacksmith in action.

Then, on my way to the scenic route around
Mount Hood.

The zig zag waterfalls

An on Mount hood, the Timberline Lodge

Made world famous on the movie "The Shining".
Only the 250 $ was somewhat a steep price, if
you can camp at the most beautiful  lake nearby.

And yes, there is still snow on the mountain.
The lifts are still open, and still grooming.

What do think about the "positive effects of negativity".
Any one beliefs this, of have even experienced this ?
Add a comment !!!

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