Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sun Sep 1 2013 Mount St Helens

Sun Sep 1 2013
Again a day of extremes.

Started at the Pacific Ocean.

Catch of the day: tuna

Mount St Helens, with some impressive
ranger talks about the eruption in 1980.
On May 18 1980, the mountain blew. A 5.1
magnitude earthquake triggered a violent
eruption and one of the worlds largest recorded
landslides. 1300 ft of the mountain top collapsed
into the Toutle River Valley. The pyroclastic surge
of rock fragments, and superheated steam claimed
57 lives and devastated 150 thousand acres.

And still active. A small steam plume.

And the amazing part, in the crater, as a horseshoe around
the lava core, is the most recent glacier. 700 ft tick layer of ice,
covered by dark rocks as insulation and makes it difficult to see.

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