Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday 26 Mar 2013

Joshua Tree

An early start to get to Joshua Tree Desert.
Defying my GPS, I just went the direction which was
the most direct, most desert views, local drives....
And yes, shortly after I started, there was route 66.
Always something special to following "The Mother Road"
a great asphalt river linking Chicago and Los Angeles.
Also described as "a highway of hope that led thousands
of people to a new life".  Not sure if the "ghostly"
view is also symbolic.

And I have to admit, a huge territory for a real
state agent. See the big business for Century 21.
This one in Goffs, but plenty of other (semi) ghost
towns around.

And again March madness, all campground fully occupied.
But could easily share which another couple. Just be

And then the exploration of the Joshua Tree's, the
Yucca's, the hidden valley, the wall street trail,
and so much more.

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