Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday 19 Mar 2013

Arrived in Death Valley from Ridgecrest.

The "Death valley" tourist information center in Ridgecrest
was not aware of any hikes or camping over there....
So, just went shopping to survive. Yes I bought water, but
I admit, I have not yet used it.

Then started the nice drive in an ever changing desert landscape.
With several stop for memorial plates, where several people died
due to the hard desert conditions.

The amazing thing, is that if you go off-round (not planned)
you see suddenly an underground bunker, which a water supply.
An ultimate dessert car wash ?

And after some ghost towns (Trona, Ballarat) and several passes
(Panamint, Wingate, emigrant pass) I arrived in the real "Death Valley",
and was soon 282 feet under sea level: Bad water, which is by the
way also a very good Ale (I know after 4 glasses).

The very small sign in the upper left corner shows the sea level:

The natural bridge in the early evening, gives great pictures, but
seeing sunset in the Artist drive, makes the mountains
become a golden place. All worth the planning, if I had known it.
If you need nice photo screen savers, let me know.

Me, in the zig zag of the roads.
To come: P1100610.JPG

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